My Story, Your Motivation!

dare to dream
dare to dream

Dare To Dream

Early in my adult life, I realized that the traditional life script sold to us as the only option just won’t make it for me. I just wasn’t the “go to college, get married, buy a house, have kids, work a job you hate, retire” type of guy. I knew that I won’t be able to tame down myself so I had to break out from the basic everyday life and environment that even my parents were trying to convince me of as the only way.
I just wouldn’t take anything less than financial independence!

Deep down in my heart, I felt that the life I’m dreaming of is achievable with a bit of effort. I wasn’t lazy and I was unstoppable if I wanted to achieve my life goal so I made a 5-year plan with a clear goal to fight poverty and achieve a comfortable lifestyle. For this of course the 9to5 job script just wouldn’t do it and on the other hand, I hated when I was told what and how to do even if I could’ve done it better and faster. With all this in mind one day I quit my job and started my journey to success.

I started my first company and soon I was making a living being my own boss. Of course, it had a steep learning curve as I was sailing on new waters being self-employed and learning all sides of running a business and gaining a lot of experience. I grew out relatively fast and before I even realized my 5-year plan was reached in 2 years. So it was time for new goals.

This time I set my goals a lot higher. After proving everyone wrong before, friends and family, I managed to get them again to seriously doubt the possibility of achieving the new goals. For a second even I had a moment of uncertainty but this didn’t stop me.
I had a motto that always gave me motivation.

“Dare to dream big enough, learn to break out of your comfort zone, and turn your dreams into reality.”

The main steps of my journey to Financial Freedom followed:
– Start at my first job
– Start my first business
– Buy my first home, a small apartment
– Buy my first house
– Have enough savings and income to afford more comfort, buy my first Porsche SUV
– Investing in real estate
– Having several income streams, a diversified portfolio of domestic and industrial real estate, stocks, crypto, online and offline businesses

After achieving continuously my goals and targets I started to focus on retiring early and building passive income. At this point, I already started a few new businesses and some of them even sold successfully after significant growth. My passive income was starting to fill all the gaps and support the lifestyle I reached as an entrepreneur. So at this point, I decided that I will stop or sell all my hands-on businesses and take it easier. My hard work has paid off so now I can live off my passive income and will use my free time to help others on their path to Financial Freedom.

If you are in a similar situation as I was, you just can’t accept your current level and always wish for more, then follow my guide and reach your goals! Here I am sharing all my knowledge and experience with you to guide you on your path to success and financial freedom. Whether you are trying to pay off your debt or start your business, I will assist you on your journey and with the proper planning and guidance, you will have the highest chance of achieving your goal.